Wednesday, 23 November 2011

How to Import Your Blog Posts Into Facebook Notes on Your Profile Page How to Import Your Blog Posts Into Facebook Notes on Your Profile Page

For a long time I struggled to find out how to import my blog posts from into my facebook account. Well I've finally figured it out and decided to show mompreneurs, home based business blogs, how to maximize their online web presence brand message to your all of your facebook friends, clients and followers.
I wanted to answer some of the questions that I get on a daily basis about how to increase online exposure and what better way than to start out with the place where most of your friends, family, and future clients are? this method will take care of having to post links into multiple locations and will automatically show up as soon as you Create Post in your WordPress Admin area.
Facebook has a built-in way to display the article posts from your website blog and allow them to show as Notes on your profile page so all of your friends in your Facebook network to read, share and comment. After you log into your account:
1. Go to your Settings and drop down to "Application Settings"
2. Edit your "Notes" application (or simply click the link)
3. Click the "Import Blog" button on the right
4. Type in your website feed URL and agree to the terms.
5. Click "Confirm Import" and you are well on your way
And that's it! You will be given a preview of all your content and your done. Happy blogging and be sure to let me know if this post helps you in any way. 

Happy Blogging!


Sarah said...

Such a nice blog.. Ahakk

Talib said...

This is for Blogger or Facebook?

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